AMP Interviews with the biggest movers and shakers in the Apartment Management Industry
Josh Patino
Regional Vice President of Sales
Funnel Leasing
If you poll 100 people, chances are 99 of them will say that they fell into the multifamily world. I’ve heard people coming from many different backgrounds, but Josh’s story is one of my favorites – from college coach to sales. I chose Josh for this interview because I firmly believe that tools learned from athletics are applicable to the real world. Thank you, Josh, for taking a risk and jumping into the multifamily world with both feet. Our industry is better with you in it.
I love dissecting words and looking for greater meaning like the word Apartment. What sets you “Apart” and why are you “Meant” for the multifamily industry?
The multifamily industry is all about people, whether it's helping people find their next home or owners/operators helping their teams with their day to day. Everywhere you look, people are at the center. As a coach, I would help young athletes (people) improve their skills, mindset, and ultimately push the limits when it came to their potential. In multifamily, I talk to owners/operators (people) about pushing the limits, changing their mindset, and improving their skills. Who knew that there would be so much crossover from college athletics to multifamily?!
How and when did you get your start in the industry?
I joined the industry at the end of 2020. I had a friend reach out to me over the years and I never made the jump. During COVID, my priorities changed, and I wanted to realign my goals with those priorities. The opportunity presented itself by joining a rockstar PropTech company in Funnel Leasing, Inc.
What is one song that always puts you in a good mood?
Party in the U.S.A. (no judging!) by Miley Cyrus,
What are 3 tips you would give someone considering a career in multifamily?
1. Jump in with both feet.
2. Connect with industry professionals to genuinely learn about them and what they do.
3. Be authentic.
What is your proudest moment in multifamily?
I would have to say completing a full year in the industry. A year ago, I literally knew nothing about multifamily and took a leap of faith from a 10-year long career. A year later, I feel part of the multifamily community as a contributing member.
Who is your mentor and why?
I have several. I'd say the closest mentors I have today are part of my team: Tyler Christiansen, Ben Steward, Patrick Kennedy. These three have been a foundational piece to my changing careers. Their combined wealth of knowledge is unreal and I'm constantly learning from them.
What book has left the biggest impression on your life?
“How Will You Measure Your Life” by Clayton Christensen, James Allworth, and Karen Dillon.
If you ever owned an apartment community, where would it be and what would you name it?
Ooooh this is a good question, unfortunately, without some real thought, I'm not creative enough to come up with a name. Open to suggestions!
What is your most memorable vacation?
My wife and I got to go to Costa Rica shortly after we were married. Definitely need to make a return trip.
If our country went to 4-day work weeks, how would you spend your 5th day?
I'd give my wife a break from the wild boys we call kids. J/K they're awesome, but she needs a break. Would love for her to have a full day to do what she wants/needs.